Late Night Swim (2023)  
Organ and piano,Max/MSP

Album artwork: ‘Swim’ by Alice Brasser


Late Night Swim is a three-movement work constructed from leftover sounds from organ recordings performed by Briggs for the 2022 film Eulogise Me, dir. Alex Bateman.

Seeing sonic material as living, breathing  and endlessly promising, the work was revealed in a sneak peek at  sonic::space(s), an experimental digital project from UNSW on 18 November.

It recieved its world premiere at the Chau Chak Wing Museum on 1 June with the experimental chamber music ensemble Chaos Collective.

Released on 16 June via Stereoscenic.

- Obscure Sound
- Electronica
- Tome to the Weather Machine
- IndieTapes

 Maya: The Illusion of Home (2023)  
Harmonium, Guitar, Max/MSP


Maya: The Illusion of Home is a short documentary, directed by Tavishek Sharma. In June 2024, it was selected to feature on SBS On Demand.

“Amidst the shadows of exploitation, a Fiji-Indian grandmothers’ journey illuminates the resilience of her ancestors.

“Explore the impermanence of ‘home’, persisting expectations and burdens, and thetransformative power of faith in the face of generational adversity.”


Needs of the Few (2022)
Guitar, bass, electronics.

“We’re scientists, not politicians. But home,

that’s the logic. Rescue and deliver: the good

faith tactic. The needs of the few will

save the  many. Yes, for now.”

A  2022 fantasy short film, dir. Max Norington
and starring Maya Soni,Breanna Boyd, Matt Lausch
and Juliette Martin.

 “Needs of the Few is set in an undiscovered jungle filled

with alien-esque plants and tangled glowing vines. Two rival

kingdoms have sent their most promising explorers on a

mission to seek a gem that is fabled to hold the key to

unlocking a new age of technological advancement.”

August Underflow (2022) 
Piano, guitar, electronics

“ The nature of data stored in both

the mind and machinery is

vulnerable to the corruption of

external forces. If the human

memory and machine fail, we only

have now- immediately.”

A collaborative work with visual artist Keesha Field and commissioned for Konzertprojekt’s 2022 concert series Sound Stories.

Sound Stories was a two-part art music concert series curated by Gabrielle Cadenhead and Maddy Briggs, centred around the commissioning and programming of emerging Australian composers and artists. Hosted at St. Stephen’s Uniting Church in Sydney and supported by the City of Sydney, it sold out its first February concert.

Eulogise Me (2022)
Organ, piano and electronics

Poster designed by Jennifer Prince.

A to-be-released short film dir. by Alex Bateman, scored with organ and piano. Music to be released shortly.